This note is the twenty-seventh letter in the 104-days-of-summer-vacation series. You can also follow the full twitter thread here, and leave any thoughts and comments that might come up!
Dearest Reader,
Today, I listened to a fascinating podcast episode between Mark Zuckerberg and Lex Fridman. A lot of the conversation was around personal LLMs, and Meta’s vision for open-source models, but one quote in particular stood out to me.
When Lex asked Mark, “How do you choose who you hire?”, Mark responded almost instantly. “You just hire people you wouldn’t mind working for.”
And that’s genius. You wouldn’t want to work for someone who wasn’t nice, ambitious, did good work, inspiring etc. The filter of do-you-mind-working-for-them, is a neat way of wrapping up that bundle of concepts in a way that can be very quickly evaluated.
Anyway, that’s it for now, just amazement at the surprising effectiveness of simple heuristics. Have a good day :)
~ Shan